Friday, March 22, 2013

Whale hoe!!

Whale flukes, or tail fins, are used to identify whales because they are similar to the fingerprints of a human in that no two whale flukes are the same. Scientists use this data to identify whales and study migration and living habits of whales. The most difficult part of the whale identification lab was matching the pictures together when there were so many different options. This lab would be better if there were less pictures to choose from and the odds of making a correct match were higher.


Today two navy men came to class today and told us the technical aspects of the ships, plains, helicopters, and submarines. The most interesting thing about the Navy is that they will pay for college, insurance, and that you can travel a lot. I learned that the ocean has a constant magnetic field and that submarines disturb the magnetic field making them easier to locate by helicopter. Ill remember how they joked around a lot, making funny jokes about the things they were talking about.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

common name: cone snail
scientific name: conus
adaptations: the cone shaped shell as protection, chemical sedative to attack predators with
hunting strategies: finger like projections that come out of mouth and capture prey
reproduction: sexually, females lay eggs
Interesting facts: the cone snail's venom vary in effects, the venom is also medically important, shell is used as jewelry
I chose the cone snail because of the interesting hunting strategies.

Seagrass has adapted in ways of reproduction, they can produce both sexually and asexually. They have also developed branching roots. Seagrass is a food source to sea turtles and other swimmers as well as a nursery to baby fish, providing nutrients. Residents stay permanently in the same place, migrants move to a place and then stay, travelers are constantly moving.

1. Stabilize sediments on the sea floor
2. Hold marine economies together
3. Prevent mud from shifting
4. Filter pollutants

Monday, March 4, 2013


This shows the devastating Impact we have on the environment that's not even near civilization. Showing humans impact on the entire planet.

More mangroves

The mangroves of the world work together to keep the land on the land and the ocean separate. This creates a buffering zone for waves and hurricanes, it also creates great hiding for baby fish. Mangroves basically hold the shores down while creating areas for animals to thrive.


Black mangroves use roots the come up and breathe from the roots. Red use prop roots to remain stable through though waves. Red absorb nutrient rich minerals through their roots and let some salt out of their leaves! Some mangroves even drop their salt saturated leaves off.

archer fish

archer fish known for their habit of preying on land based insects and other small animals by literally shooting them down with water droplets from their specialized mouths. The family is small, consisting of seven species in the genus Toxotes; which typically inhabit brackish waters of estuaries and mangroves, but can also be found in the open ocean as well as far upstream in fresh water.